Corporate Social Responsibility

Successful companies and most admired brands make a difference not only with their products and services, but also with the contributions they make to society.

Corporate Social Responsibility; It is the effort of institutions that want to integrate with the society to fulfill their responsibilities towards the society. Corporate Social Responsibility is confused with philanthropy. Charity is unplanned and unannounced, there is no expectation in return.

Corporate social responsibility activities; It can be carried out in various fields such as education, environment, health, technology and culture.
The benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility projects to the organization are as follows:
Corporate reputation, Employee loyalty, Being preferred in the competition, Reduction in costs, Stronger relations with society, Stronger relations with stakeholders, Communication opportunities…

We, as Canvas,
Develop ideas and design studies specific to your institution
Organize workshops with your managers and employees
Develop and manage your existing projects
Manage relations with Non-Governmental Organizations